How Many Plants?


Hello, rollitup this is my first post I've got 4 grows under my belt 3 with autos.. I wanted to do a 640 watt cfl grow with sixteen 40 watt bulbs the space is 24 inches long 28 inches wide and 5 ft tall. its in a closet in a locked room that isnt used i wont have the door open and have a fan to keep it cool.. i have 520 watts in there now and its 72-78 degrees. I was wanting to either do 12 plants in 1 gallon pots or 9 plants in 2 gallon pots using sta-green soilless mix and fox farms trio. All strains will be indicas and want to veg them until they are 8-10 inches tall. i know its gonna be packed but the strains im going to grow will be mainly single cola dominant.

I was just wondering if it would be better to do the 12 in 1 gallon or 9 in 2 gallon. and is it possible to yield anywhere from 7-9 ounces this way?



Active Member
You need to go to the lighting forum about the lights. I can tell that you don't know the size of 1 gal or two gal grow bags. The best you can hope for is 4-6 and you really havn't any room too grow except up. You can easily get 7-9 oz on two plants if you know what your doing. Not with 40 watt cfls of course.


thx for the reply old and bold, small plants single cola dominant strains is what im going to grow only need them to grow up and i know the size of 1 gallon and two gallon grow bags but im using pots the 1 gallons are 6x6 and 2 gallon 8x8 i can fit 16 1 gallon into my area if i wanted and i just finished a 520 watt autoflower grow with 12 plants in 1 gallon pots and got just over 3.5 ounces. 40 watt cfl's should be efficient enough with plants being 16-20 inches tall and mainly one cola i was just wondering if 1 gallor or 2 gallon would be better


Well-Known Member
seems you are making things difficult for yourself from the onset, why so many lights and so many plants?
if all you need to yield is 7-9 oz thats 2-3 medium size plants or 1 large plant

you grew 12 plants to get 3.5 oz, was this an experiment, or deliberate, i don't get it ?
3.5 oz from 12 plants, that is just over 1/4 oz per plant from 520 watts

a 400 watt air cooled hps would give you at least 10 -12 oz from 3 plants in your space
if you have 5ft of height you do not need to be growing silly autoflowering strains either
get some regular seeds, and do some kind of scrog or whatever