How Many Plants/Lights in 16 x 13 Feet Grow ???


I was wondering how would you guys do it?
dimensions 16 x 13 feet ( 500 x 300 cm )
I am wondering how many plants can you fit inside this dimensions,and how much light should
you shine upon them,with all equipment included
Additional information;

SCROGing,topping,lollipopping,Big Bud,smart pots 12gals,long veg,600w DS,800 m³/h vent,fresh air,

personal lux

Well-Known Member
Well if your using 600s id do 12 lights. 3 rows of 4. Each row will consume a 3ft×9ft portion.
12 gallon containers you wont need more than 3 plants per light With 2 months veg. Def top the plants and clean the bottom 600s only pentrate 2-3 feet i believe.


Well if your using 600s id do 12 lights. 3 rows of 4. Each row will consume a 3ft×9ft portion.
12 gallon containers you wont need more than 3 plants per light With 2 months veg. Def top the plants and clean the bottom 600s only pentrate 2-3 feet i believe.
IYHO what is the avarage yield per plant in this condition?