How long before I can take cuttings

Growing 5 fem plants from seeds and are currently on 4th nodes. hypothetically how many nodes or how long would you have to wait to take up to 10 cuttings each?.. Will off- shoots grow in veg or do you put in bloom and wait for growth of shoots this way to take cuttings?. would be helpful for somebodys advice


Well-Known Member
Plants need some of that vegetation to support growth so I would say it depends on what you’re try to do. Not sure there’s really a rule of thumb tho. For example, I have plenty shoots on my plants to take cuttings from and I really want to! But I am waiting until they are bigger so what I take has less effect on the growth rate of the “mother plant”
Good question tho! I’m interested in some of the responses it may generate. Yes keep them in veg!!!


Well-Known Member
I start fem seeds, let them get big enough to cut as many clones as I want. I always cut extra. If you want 12 clones cut at least 20. Then use the strongest 12 for your run. Keep the others going until 1 is large enough to pot up for a new mother.
You want to cut 50 clones? How large is your tent, and what is your plan for plant lay out, Alot of small plants? Are you in soil, hydro, separate pots or a table set up?
I guess the answer is dependent on how you grow.


Well-Known Member
By letting it get large enough to cut alot of clones, you can get an idea of what the plants structure will look like. Meaning if it will be really tall and stretchy with long node spacing or short and bushy. Typically the later is what you are looking for, unless you have 10ft ceilings.
This is for full size plants.
Again this how I do it. I am no professional but have been at this for a while now. I'm sure alot of people have there own routine which is great. This just works better for me.
I've tried alot of smaller plants and not had gr8 results.