How Does She Look? Any Training Suggestions?


Active Member
just wondering if i should tie her down or just wait till flower and leave it alone. had a bunch a white hairs about 2 weeks ago but now its just growing taller.



Active Member
Looks like it would be a hassle to tie it down, though if you do it would definitely make that thing into a hedge haha


Active Member
If i tie it, the outside / lower branches wont get much sun. I have heard of people harvesting the top half of the plant and leaving the lower popcorn buds on to get bigger. Anyone ever done this before?


Well-Known Member
The sun has little penetration. I would SCROG or put some CFL's around it to better distribute the light.

Not really. I would leave her.


Active Member
Looks pretty good Nice and Green. Just let it go and as darnifell said you can do a double harvest if your lower buds are not ready. just harvest the top half and left the bottom go for another week or so. Just keep your leaves on so your able to do this. Have not done this myself on a plant that size outdoors but have seen other do it with great success. Just research it and you will find more info on it. Hope it helps Good luck Looking good.