Himalayan Blue Diesel Problemo's Early Stages


Active Member
Well my plants were looking beautiful and I am noticing some problems arising... Can anyone please help me diagnose...???

I have 10 plants growing in 2 gallon pots, ph is at about 6.5, growing in perlite, peatmoss and coco mix using general hydo green brown pink and kabloom...

i am thinking it is nitorgen but i am not sure...

the problems are just on a couple of leaves but i know whats coming if i don't get this fixed and fast. please help a brother out.


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
pics? you said just a couple leaves, but didnt say what is wrong,
or what the symptoms are.... and those nutes are extremely salty,
be sure you are doing good flushes in between feeds, you could
easily be having salt build ups.


Active Member
pics? you said just a couple leaves, but didnt say what is wrong,
or what the symptoms are.... and those nutes are extremely salty,
be sure you are doing good flushes in between feeds, you could
easily be having salt build ups.

good idea, here's the pics, i have a couple more if you need them, they didnt attach the first time around.


Active Member
I checked my PH on the plants and it was a little on the base side about 7 or so... do you think this might be the problem? I adjusted it back down to around 6.5 and I am watering with just plain water for the next couple of days to flush out anything that might be causing the problems. Any other ideas? This is my first go round with autofems and I am hoping for a good harvest but I know at this point if I dont get this problem corrected then my first harvest of 2010 is going to suck!!!!


yeah bro having same problem just bought hbd and have had the same results give your plants a good flush with plain water (distilled or reverse osmosis) for at least two feedings bck to bck . After you have done this on your third feeding give it just a quarter of nutrient solution and slowly bring bck nutrient solution til bck at full strength by the 5th feeding should help out tremendously.