hi have a couple questions plzz


ok first off is miracle grow pot mix good use as soil?? if not.. is there anything that any average household has that i can use? and what are nutes and how do i obtain them?


Active Member
ok first off is miracle grow pot mix good use as soil?? if not.. is there anything that any average household has that i can use? and what are nutes and how do i obtain them?
Hi, IMHO ( 5 years retail nurseryman), Anything 'Miracle Grow' makes is SO SO for 'Nutes'/or nutrients (not organic) and quality (very processed) and always as high a price as is possible. (gotta pay for all the advertising)
IF you're growing in a soil medium, try anything organic...say like Fox Farms' Ocean Forest mix, or Whitney Farms potting soil. Many more nutrients/'nutes' and Micro nutrients in those type bagged soils. Plus they cost about the same as the 'Miracle Grow' and give you more mix to boot! Note though that the soil mixes, in general, only supply nutrient to a plant for a month or so, you need to continue to fertilize on a regular basis, as I'm sure you already know.
Regarding Nutrients/'nutes': you ought to keep it simple starting out, again IMHO. I use Fox farms' Tiger Bloom and Grow Big and Big Bloom in varying mixes and at various times in the growth of the plants. I've used Earth Juice too with great results. You should know though that I grow Hydroponically. Growing in soil is even easier. I'm sure you are aware you can get quite technical in your nutrient applications. I'm kind of lazy and so the Fox Farms stuff works just fine for me. I buy it at the local nursery. The folks at the nursery can teach you what the numbers on fertilizers mean and how they help the plant grow or flower and you'll be well on your way to being a know-it-all like me. Give your plants the best and they will repay you in kind! Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


and thats good to grow regular weed in i just have a pot and ive been watering dont really know what else to add to it i live in miami so i leave it outside where it gets a ton of son all day and keep it in at night


its been growing pretty good for about 2-3 months now but some of the leaves are turning yellow dunno whats that from either