Hermie Plant Growing


Hello everyone, I am new here and its my first post , sorry for the pictures quality.
I have planted in this season start one ganja and it growed to hermie it did have male and female budds. After harvesting it , I took the seeds and planted another 5 and all of the seeds grow same hermie. Female and male. The smoke before was very good.

Just to show and wont you all to comment about what you think .

Here is the 2. generation of this hermie around 3 months old.

it is about 1.20 cm high . Harvest from seed 4 to 5 months.



Well-Known Member
hmm only thing i think is WHY would you grow a hermie ? for several generations:wall:???? and the smoke was good? ok.. i dont get it sorry :P. get a real female and grow real bud is my suggestion. 5 months grow... man i dunno but a hermie is something i always rip and kill in a horrible maner while enjoying it and i think 99% of people growing does about the same thing.

I cant really see anything on the pictures

Edit: remove the pollensacks. ALL of them all the time if you have no other plants. They will only polinate your bud anyways and are not worth saving to smoke lol. dont smoke pollen sacks what the hell :D. And get some new genetics! hermie genetics = poor genetics

Best regards


Active Member
The background looks good, too bad about the blurry green blob messing up the pics......
From the clear pics it looks more male than female


I do remove the male polens every 2. day and this girl will look after 2 weeks very different I will post a picture then . Smoke was good = I meant that everyone did take just one smoke and it hit you for around 4 or more hours.


Well-Known Member
To each his own...but I personally would check into getting a better seed stock before attempting to grow again