Hempy bucket grow style


Active Member
can somebody give me the pros and cons about growing this style? how long does it take from seed to harvest to grow like this? is it better then growing in soil? how much yield? what kind of nutes did you use and how much of it did you use? thinking my growing like this my next grow


Well-Known Member
I looked at hempy buckets and never quite figured out how it was supposed to work- no doubt an issue with trying to figure it out via internet.

I ended up with big tub RDWC because it seemed simpler to me. I'm pretty happy with it.


Well-Known Member
This is a great technique IMO, and was the approach I used for my first grow.


Low tech / simple approach
- You don't need all the kit used for ebb/flow, DWC, etc...

Works using a variety of media
- I use coco, but others have used a variety of mixed media with success.

Low maintenance
- Like soil grows, you can water a hempy and leave it alone for days without having to futz with them...depending on your grow environment and growth stage, of course.


Not in contention for THE fastest growth rate technique.
- Other, more complicated, grow techniques have a faster growth rate.

More labor intensive than a soil grow.
- Ideally, with a soil grow, all you need to do is water. You've got to mix your nutes and PH with a hempy, and some find that process to be a big pain in the ass.

All in all, I really enjoy this approach because it allows me to get "involved" in the grow like it was a straight up hydro grow, but at the same time it's a chill technique like a soil grow.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I agree with Wilksey....but i'll add my 2 cents

Hempy is virtually fool proof....great for all of us that are still on the learning curve
The most common mistake by rookie's using soil is over watering.....then followed by over nutes
With hempy you can knock yourself silly watering them with little to no negative impacts.
Also you can recover faster with a hempy, so if you do over nute the damage is not as serious as with soil.

they grow too big :)



Active Member
I agree with Wilksey....but i'll add my 2 cents

Hempy is virtually fool proof....great for all of us that are still on the learning curve
The most common mistake by rookie's using soil is over watering.....then followed by over nutes
With hempy you can knock yourself silly watering them with little to no negative impacts.
Also you can recover faster with a hempy, so if you do over nute the damage is not as serious as with soil.

they grow too big :)
what size bucket was your plants in because they are big

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
my buckets are 11 litres ...about 3 US gallons

I mix 3:1 perlite/vermiculite and wash well as the perlite has allot of dust that can form sludge on the bottom

insert a hole (size of a nickel) about 3 inches up...fill with your medium

I start in rock-wool, peat plugs or in a soil cup and place in hempy once root appear


Well-Known Member
I did a reveg once in a perlite/vermiculite hempy bucket. It actually worked and the smoke was great ! The challenge for me was getting the root system to make its way down to the waterline. I used a 5 gallon bucket for mine and when it was done I was curious as hell as to what was going on with the roots. When I dumped it all out I was surprised to see the biggest part of the rootball was only a few inches down below the plant. So, in the end I figured I didnt quite get it right. For whatever reason, the roots didn't use much of the space made available to them.
Someday I'm gonna try it again. Insted of a reveg, I'll do it straight from a seedling.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
the roots should fill the container, even after a few weeks old

pic 1 - hempy's grown in 2 litre pop bottles
pic 2 - hempy in a 11 litre bucket (3 US gallons)
pic 3 - approx 6 week old male grown in a 2 litre pop bottle



Well-Known Member
hey guys I just had a question in regards to the hempy grow style
my last grow was in a 50/50 perlite vermiculite mix
I didn't do them in plastic I did them in fabric smart pots. Not plastic. With one drainage hole
is that still a hempy grow?

when you do hempy how do you just over the top in to that layer of perlite and water when roots suck all that up?
image.jpg Don't forget about SoG with soda bottle hempy buckets. Continual harvests are the way to go imo.

I haven't run hempy buckets side to side with other hydro systems, but I feel that when you get HBs down good the results can be as good as other hydro systems.


Active Member
my next grow im planing on growing hempy bucket, in 5 gallon buckets and using 1000 watts hps, hope i get a pound of ak48
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Active Member
of the 3 pics I posted, the first two were under a 600 watt HPS...the third pic was just sunlight

average around 2 ounces per plant...give or take
Ok a little off topic but I'm a bit confused, your saying you average around 2 ounces and that one massive cola seems easily over that. And then i see other posts of people pulling 5-7 ounces off a plant

I mean i'm stoned an all (anal) but what am i missing, comparing that to mine it looks like i'm gona pull an eighth...

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
yeah, the one in the blue bucket produced allot more than 2 ounces, I was just being conservative with my weight estimates

the others were grown in 2 litre pop bottles, so they were closer to 2 ounces