Help with my 100w LED full spectrum light

Try 20/4, or even 24/7, even where you're at is fine, but I can't see how tall that container is and I'm pretty sure it's smaller than I think it is.. Definitely need more soil, and it does look pretty dry in there, try spraying some water in there to raise humidity for a few hours?
Its about 10cm deep and I will try that. Thanks!
you are scared of having the light too close and than decide to go for a full 24h light cycle?
I would suggest you to give a look to the concept of DLI and how much photon/light/energy can the plant process in each of the stages of her life, to my memory is something like
seedlings are ok with less than 100 umoles/sec
Veg somewhere around 300/600 depending on so many things and style of grow
flowering 800+ after the 1000 you have to supplement co2 not to trow away photons/money

I know it's hard to get the right distance and have the led on that sweet spot where you have balance between heat and umoles spashed on your canopy, try get some ppfd data for the model of your light will help you to guess a lot better, whitout a proper quantum reader it's all guessing and trying anyway!!

I want one of those!!

actually seems that the best cost/value spot is around 800 umoles,
I've seen it in some graph in an interesting tread where some awesome knowledgeable grower were discussing advanced light properties! can't remeber the proper tread name...was somehow related to UV light supplement, light distance from canopy, light spread and loss of light over distance and so on.... superteoretical stuff but good to have info!