Help My Seedling. Strong Stem Bad Leaves Good Pics


New Member
Hey guys

Noob grower here. I am looking for help. So I got 1 single bag seed to pop. Really I wasn't planning on anything just something to get my interest going. I did not realize how attached in would get to my little girl. I really want it to pull through. But she looks well, not good.

Here's the deal. I have her in miracle grow seed starter under 4 cfl 100w eqhivalents. The light is about 3 or 4 inches from the top of the seedling. She had what looked like nute burn on the tips but now there are a couple dead spots on her leaves. It's growing but also shriveling. The stem seems good but the leaves are crapping out. I've read a lot so far and can't find my issue. The temp is 85 but humidity is like 36 constantly. I have mylar on the walls. Btw the cfls are 3 5000k's and 1 2500k. Thought I'd give a mix with a slight lean towards blue light.

Please help me I really didn't think I was gonna do much hence the miracle gro but once I saw the little green sprout come out of thesoil. I will just say I'm hooked. Take a look at my pics and any advice is fully appreciated.



Well-Known Member
have you put nutes on it? ist not old enough for nutes yet.
if not that the soil is to hot


New Member
have you put nutes on it? ist not old enough for nutes yet.
if not that the soil is to hot
No I haven't done any nutes yet because almost everything I've read says not to until way later. This is 7 days growth since sprout. If the soil is hot what do I do? It shouldn't be though everything I've seen says the seed starter by miracle gro has almost nothing in it it's mostly peat moss.

Also it seems I'm having transpiration issues. The soil gets real dry on top after just 16 hrs


Well-Known Member
Personally your first mistake is using Miracle Grow, there are many who feel that Miracle Grow soil is too "hot" (strong) for mj, best to transplant in some other soil suitable for mj, I'm hydro so can't help you there but I'm sure someone will jump in and help, by the looks of those seedlings, I'd say they are nute burnt.