not all of our staff members know how to do the technical side of rollitup, some are not tech inclined and some only use computers. additionally if a mod doesnt have an iphone they wouldnt know how to upload a file from said iphone so its best they do send you to the support area for a staff member who knows how to do what you are requesting rather than screwing around giving you wrongful information making you more frustrated in the long run.
if you notice its usually only me answering the tech questions. and this is just to due to my young age and having played around quite frequently on the xenforo software
additionally they sent you here because this question is asked a lot and you can grab the answer from a previous answered thread again this is related to them not knowing the answer and giving you the best location for said answer
now to your question
when your are on the iphone go to "upload a file" bottom right
from there you will be prompted to "choose a file" from there please only choose "from phone library"
xenforo needs to update but for whatever reason if you choose to take the photo while uploading it will not upload so please only use "from phone library"
from there you click the photo you want and it will upload.
if you have a poor wifi connection it may not upload,
from there sometimes the iphones if not updated will not do anything from this point and you need to click "close" and repeat the process 3 times.
i have noticed since my latest iphone 6 update this no longer happens, however it may still happen if you have an older iphone.
so if nothing uploads please use
"upload a file" "choose file" "close" x3.
here are some screenshots to better assist you in the process.
Please let me know if you have any other issues with uploading a file. you may use this thread to test it
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