Hello rollitup! couple q's...

Hey guys!

This is my first post here on rollitup, and I'm glad to be here! After hours upon hours of lurking on numerous forums and websites, I finally got my first grow underway. I'm nearly 3.5 weeks in, and I'm seeing a couple unexpected (but of course expected) things.

Here's my grow specs:

--10in pots
--organic potting soil
--7 24w CFL's 5000k (24/0)
*for the first 2 weeks the lights were way too high (about a whole foot) away. --I lowered them and they're now 3-4 inches from the peak of the plants.
--One standard-set fan on low setting
--One oscillating fan on other side (added today, good idea?)
--For the two weeks I've been using straight tap water, although, for this last water(with liquid fert) I let it sit out and evaporate before watering.
--As for how often I water, it has been when I can stick my finger about 3 inches deep and still feel no moisture.

Things I know I need: agree/disagree?
-More soil so my plants are at the top of the pots.
-Slits on the bottom of the pots for breathing/draining
-Ph meter --Recommendations? The cheap ones at home depot are junk from what I've heard. And a good one is out of my current budget. -fuck?
---ph up/down
-PPM meter - Now that I'm starting to fertilize, I feel the need to get one of these (recommendations?)

So the plant in the back left looks great. That healthy green color, little to no brown, thick strong stem. Although, my other two (center and right) have a lot of tip of the leaf browning, the bottom leaves are yellow, and slightly drooping/sad looking. (see pictures)

Until yesterday the power-strip with the y-splitters were the only light. I added the hood-light yesterday(attached to the 2x4 on left), and I plan on getting another for the other side asap. Then centering the power-strip (agree?)

So after much lurk-knowledge, I read that with those yellow leafs I need Nitrogen. So I purchased miracle grow all-purpose liquid food (12-7-7). Followed the directions, mixed with water, and watered yesterday.


Why are the tips brown and bottom leaves yellow/brown?/ What do I need to do?
--I watered with the fertilizer yesterday (with hopes to fix this) -right path?
--May it be a sudden heat increase since before the light was 6 inches higher?
--The bottom yellow leaves have been a problem pretty much throughout this whole process

How much water/Miracle-Grow does a 10in pot require?
--Do they each always get the same amount?

Should I stay with liquid fertilizer?
--I see a lot of people with those white balls in their soil, which i don't have -makes me wonder? (BTW is that fertilizer or just different soil?)

Any answers to any of these questions would be amazing! I plan on taking really good care of my children. I'm trying my hardest not to think about them too much and kinda just go with it -but its tough! as we all know..

Thank you all!



I'm really impressed yo wrote a book yo first post.
All I do is look at the pic's sorry, then look to see what
yo soil is. It's must not be compatible with the sativa
cannabis weed plant!