Heat. How much is too much?


Active Member
I've been getting temps of 92-93 degrees in my box when it is closed up and everything on. Is this too much heat? I've got a 6" fan blowing inside and a 4" fan pulling air out of the box.

I'm running 4 13-watt cfs and a 90watt ufo, yet my box stays in the 90s if closed.


Well-Known Member
I've been getting temps of 92-93 degrees in my box when it is closed up and everything on. Is this too much heat? I've got a 6" fan blowing inside and a 4" fan pulling air out of the box.

I'm running 4 13-watt cfs and a 90watt ufo, yet my box stays in the 90s if closed.
that is too high, get it down

MJ is temp tollerant from 50 to 90 you want 75 to 85 tops above that and growth is stunted/stops


Active Member
yeah that hot with that little of wattage

yeah you got a problem

you might want to switch your fans around, put the 6" blowing out

but thats just my opin.


yeah that hot with that little of wattage

yeah you got a problem

you might want to switch your fans around, put the 6" blowing out

but thats just my opin.
Stoney is correct.

From what I know, it's usually best to have a negative air pressure (air pulled into system < air pulled out of system), so have whichever fan pulls less CFM as the intake, whicever pulls more as the outtake.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
yes and if you get the proper airflow from the box and still have temps too high your only option is to cool the incoming air.


Well-Known Member
Switching the fans around will help. Should always have the larger fan as exhaust and the smaller as intake, no matter what your system is. Its the only way to create negative pressure.

Is there any way to get cooler air into your box? If can pull cooler air in, or exhaust the warmer air away from your box your temps should drop a bit. if you have a small air conditioner you can place in the same room, thats another option of course.


Active Member
Update: I took off the 4 inch inline fan which was pulling air(if you wanna call it that) out of the box into my carbon filter. The fan is just not enough, I can barely feel it pulling air out when it's on. It reminds me of a computer fan as far as the cfm goes. So, that's a lesson learned there as I didn't get a big enough fan to pull air adequately. I took off the door of the box and will just close it off with the black plastic. I removed the cfls as I could feel the heat coming off of them. I've got it down to 83 degrees with my closet door open with just the 90 watt led on and one fan inside.

Any chance my damaged seedling will live? Today was first day I noticed any probs with the seedling. It looks really rough though... It may be dead.


Active Member
Switching the fans around will help. Should always have the larger fan as exhaust and the smaller as intake, no matter what your system is. Its the only way to create negative pressure.

Is there any way to get cooler air into your box? If can pull cooler air in, or exhaust the warmer air away from your box your temps should drop a bit. if you have a small air conditioner you can place in the same room, thats another option of course.
Yeah I think I'm going to need to find a fan that will pull the kind of airflow I need for the exhaust and somehow rig it up to my carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think I'm going to need to find a fan that will pull the kind of airflow I need for the exhaust and somehow rig it up to my carbon filter.
That should do it. Just figure out how many CFM's you need to change out the air in your box within a few minutes, but yet be strong enough to pull through that filter. What size is that thing anyway (the filter)? And what is the filters CFM rating?

(Oversizing the fan in your case would probably be a good thing.)


Besides stunted growth, are there any other drawbacks to 90+ temps? My plants are routinely at 90+ and all seem very healthy (between 9 days and 27 days). Any feedback is appreciated.


Active Member
That should do it. Just figure out how many CFM's you need to change out the air in your box within a few minutes, but yet be strong enough to pull through that filter. What size is that thing anyway (the filter)? And what is the filters CFM rating?

(Oversizing the fan in your case would probably be a good thing.)
It's a 4 inch can filter. I can't locate the cfm rating on it...

I am thinking I may just rig up an exhaust on the closet ceiling instead of the box itself since I am planning another box on other side soon. Maybe just get a large can combo...