Harvest? 83 days 46 flower?


hi all, is she ready.. I know i know... get a microscope and and be a scientist lol.. Shes 46 days into flower and im thinking of the big chop tomorrow afternoon? What do u guys think? Its personal use i don't want it to be the best shit on earth just good enough to relax and watch American dad and laugh at Stan.

P9130001.jpgP9130002.jpgP9130003.jpgP9130005.jpg Auto Northern Lights.


Well-Known Member
Id say another week, but if you must Chop and watch American dad. Go for it and enjoy yourself! You deserve it! Your buds look great by the way....


Well-Known Member
Ditto. I was thinking at least a week, the hairs are starting to turn, but plenty still showing :(
Does look good though. Be patient! It'll be worth it.


Active Member
just cut one little branch so you can watch your show! Lol and let the rest continue. You dont have to harvest the whole thing at once. Oh and when you smoke the stuff you let go vs. early stuff you will be glad you let it go.