///growing when your broke///

since my last seeds didnt germinate, i gotta do it again. but this time im doin it right. first off im using "fresh" seeds that ive aquired from some friends. ive hand selected which seeds i will attempt to propogate. the germination process is being started now.
well ive opted to not go real big with this one.

But look out for my next journal!!! Ive collaborated with a 3 other people, and i now have a good place to do some serious gardening without worries of ANYTHING!!!! Im probly the most knowledgeable out of the group besides T-bone, but the place is fantastic.
industrial property:

-noise- its everywhere, no ones gunna notice the relatively quiet grow equipment
-power useage- most of the place is a legitimate business that uses up alot of power, we can theoreticaly use up to 100KWH (100,000 watts an hour)
-privacy- Even though its located at a place where a bunch of people work, the nature of the place ensures privacy AND security
-security- the outside is protected by super thick bay doors with 3 different locks on each and its protected by ADT, the "weed laboratory" is protected by a facade door (seemorebuds style, but way better) and then a steel security door (used to be an office that had a cash lockup)

Im so stoked, we all meet tomorrow to start building, we already have most of the materials and we all have a trade that corresponds to the build so we should be done in a day or two-just in time for the end of germination!!!!!!!!!!!

Im still going to do the growing when your broke journal. And the immediate goal will be to make a small 1-2 plant high-yield setup, without the high cost and without complications. I also want it to be easy and for the most part contained. That way anyone can have a secret garden! I have the idea that no one should pay 15 dollars for a gram of decent bud, you know?

So this thread will be a grow that im going to do as cheap as possible, im going to keep track of every cent spent (except maybe electricity because that price fluctuates where ever you are). im going to try to stay below 40 dollars, but i have a feeling that i may go over my goal, but the point is i wanna do it as cheap as possible.
Ok so the seeds have germed, ive got them in some washed out "backyard" soil. Ive figured out whats goin on with people having probs with the MG, its the way the nutes release, the bag says its good for about 6 months, but after about 2 they lose like half the potency, so it would be a good idea to keep track of the soil PH if u use it, and get some supplemental plant food. to take care of the faulty nutes. I think its some kind of ploy to stop people from using it to grow bud, i dunno....

ill try to get some pix up, but i gotta find my camera cord so i can load em. its a nikon dslr that does high def, so im stoked and cant wait to get em up!

so far ive spent 1 dollar on the plastic cups and about 12 dollars for the lights and about 9 dollars on the MG potting soil, so im up to 22 dollars. I also got a mylar sheet, but it came in an emergency first aid kit that i had, i think they go for like 3 bux, so im at an even 25 dollars!
Finished the veg growth enclosure. I used one of those walmart clothes bag racks, its made of pvc tubing and some polyester netting. I put a medium sized storage bin on the bottom and im using the lid for said container on the top so i can keep my gardening supplies near my crop. Ive decided on 3 plants and im hoping at least one is a female. The seeds that germed first were identified as seeds that came out of my buddies "night cap" bag, it was a mix of jack the ripper, poison ivy, bubblegum kush, and blueberry yum yum. The seeds were identified as such because he gave them to me isolated from the rest and they are actually smaller and green.

now ive used the clothes sorter as the skeleton of the enclosure, and ive put the mylar over it like a big tent like rectangle. Its tightened and stretched, and its sealed to the afore mentioned storage bin, except for one side so that i can access the plants.

in the last post i spent a total of 25 dollars, because im doing more plants then i originally intended im raising the budget to 60 dollars, which i see as fair. Anyways heres the summary:

balance: 25 U.S.D.

laundry sorter: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Whitmor-PVC-Triple-Mesh-Sorter-With-Wheels/10574535 ~$19

storage bin: ~$5

Total: $49
I had to readjust the mylar today, found my camera cord but lost my camera, so im pretty much in the same boat with the pix. nothing has really happened, waiting for the seeds to break soil. put 2 more germinated seeds in last night (tap roosts were like an inch long!!!) Since i havent used any of the MG yet, im looking into an alternative. Im thinking about going organic with the soil, ive done some research and it looks alot more appealing to me then anything else at this point. Theres plenty of nurseries around so i can get a pretty good deal on some house blends. the soil the seeds are in is pretty much inert, its been washed out ALOT. hoping to see some sprouts soon!
Okay so im looking into organic soils and ive found one type called junglegrowth pro 64, does anyone know anything about this stuff? its supposed to be like the best that lowes has. Can any one fill me in on this stuff?
im gettin my first chutes breaking the soil!!!! i need to find the camera.... Six plants so i may have to adjust the budget a lil more. Tomorrow i go to the computer junkyard to see what kinda gear i can get ahold of. these guys have EVERYTHING!!! theres also a hydroponics store nearby but ive been told the feds keep close tabs on the joint, so im tryin to stay away from that place, plus from what i hear they are unreasonably overpriced. (200 bux for a flimsy plastic flood tray thats 4x10')
O.K. ive been able to procure sime more supplies. ive got a good light setup, it is as follows:

one surge protector, 3 plug in light sockets (the kind thats JUST a socket), 3 "Y" adapters, and 23 watt (100 equivalent) C.F.L.s to fill them. this rig is held carefully above the plants with some 16 gauge aluminum wire (im air assault certified fromthe army so i know how to rig pretty well). the way i have the wire cinched i can adjust height and angle. If any of you readers wanna do something similar, but you dont know how to rig, get a product called "figure9" its a rope management tool and theyre pretty cheap but youll need a few. I also picked up a nice setup for germinating, scotts seed starter, i got it for like a dollar from my buds job. but all in all i spent about 3 dollars on the sockets, adapters and the surge protectors (garage sale) and the lights cost me about 10 dollars (home depot). I also was able to acquire some organic soil from a peep that runs a nursery, so it cost me nothing and i trust his recipies, hes a REAL green thumb. And i also got a light timer at the garage sale.

so my total is: 53$

right now i have about 20 seeds germinating. 3 of those seeds come from a seed bank, although i have not the slightest idea what strains, the rest are bag seed. I also have 6 sprouts under lights. im going to let them all grow till about the end of the veg cycle, then im going to select between 3 and five to go into flower and the rest will be moved to a different place or destroyed. although i would really hate to destroy such beautiful things i dont wanna take chances on anything. maybe ill stealth transplant the ones i dont wanna keep indoors to the woods or something. i live in a tropical climate so it wouldnt hurt them any.
Its pretty boring right now, tryin to find the camera so i can post some pix. I figured out the total wattage and how much it costs to run this setup. $7 dollars a month thats it, just 7 dollars, so far....
Dunno about the soil other than the problems I've heard about it, but cheap is cheap and some people have been able to do it just fine. As for the CFL's i grew a micro scrog setup last year with northern lights and that little girl was sweet, did it under 250 watts of cfls and she made me i think like 3/4 to 1 ounce. I was really happy with that one as i was expecting it to suck compared to my HPS. The only thing I can say is to keep the lights as close as possible and use fans to get the hot air off the top and vent out because cfls will throw out some heat, just not as much as an hps.

Good luck and i hope you pull it all off on the cheap!
I do have organic soil. if anyone can help me, when should i transplant from the cups to the pots? the parachute leaves havent fallen off yet, maybe in a few more weeks? opinions?

my three plants are starting to yellow and wilt. so far ive transplanted them to the good soil and backed the lights off of it a lil. i dont know what else to do. i just transplanted to good soil because i noticed it today, but i dunno im afraid they will die. Cant get pix up because my girlfriend has hidden the camera so i cant post pix of my plants on the net. i just hope they dont die. maybe in a few days they will turn around, if not its probly not meant to be...