Growing outside in California ! Is it to late to plant clones outdoors!?!


Hello all,:mrgreen::joint:
I have a couple clones growing outdoors in pots right now. I just put them out there a week ago , they are all atleast a foot tall and doing great . they are in pots a little smaller than a five gallon bucket I have a pure power plant in 1 and a purple kush and blueberry hogsbreath in another (they should be fine in the same pot right!!!!1?????)

Well anyways I'm in SD California ,is it to late in the season to have these outdoors?!?!
Will I get a decent yeild from them?!



I do have pots for each plant . I just have 2 in one I really dont see the big deal as I have a bunch planted in the ground right next to eachother(there all atleast 6 feet tall right now and doing good ) Im mainly looking for info on the planting season did i plant to late ?!?


Active Member
yea man, thats not good to have more than one plant per pot. but to answer your other question.... no, it is NOT TOO LATE to plant outdoors in cali. flowering should begin in late august. the thing you gotta watch tho is how long they flower for. most sativa strains take 10-12 weeks to flower, so you sometimes have to force-flower in order to finish on time


ok yeah cuz i have about 8 or 9 sative dom plants growing in the ground and there all almost 6 feet tall and pretty damn bushy should i force flower them with a tarp or somthing i started really early. but ya i think when the clones get a little bigger i will put them in a bigger pot.


another question: the sativa plants that I have in the ground are next to a fence and that part isnt getting too much sunlight would it be adviable to but some reflective material in that area so they get a little more sun ?