Growing Outdoors During Winter

I would like to start growing outdoors in the woods but I live in Maryland where the winters can get pretty cold so I have a couple of questions.

1. If i start planting in December will my plants survive and bud?
2. I've heard about people covering the plants up with plastic bags at night when growing outdoors in the winter. Is that effective?
3. Is there anything I can do to give my plants a better chance of survival in the cold?

This will be my first time growing. If you have experience growing outdoors please reply. Dont worry about typing too much, I need as much information as I can get.


Active Member
It really depends on a lot of things about te space heaters and such. Figure out, out side air, weather, sun, rain, etc. If you have light sun, and grow a few ... Things and some veg it just might make enough of it's own heat. Could do a lot of things for heat. I really think lamps for the most part in the winter, outdoors is a really bad idea. You think rippers are bad in the summer? Try giving them a 1000 watt lamp saying hey, come jack me! There are a ton of things to do. Remember decomposing items make heat. Lime makes heat. Seal in the area well, could even do co2 if it's semi air tight. It's a matter of money, why, how much, and coming up with a lot of your own ideas. We all can tell you this or that. However when you are there, it's your land your money and own business. Give the man some tools and let it work. Hope some of this helps, or gives you more to think about.


Active Member
I don't really see the point of planting outside this early in a state where you can expect a couple of feet of snow! (I used to live there). The buds will be ready at the same time, whether you plant now or in April, assuming you're not planting autos.

In the meantime, just head on down to Rhode Island Ave. and score just like our Congress critters do.


Well-Known Member
No your wasting your time and money ,grow indoor or get the summer crop right in future. Also charlie dog thats wrong your post, if you plant in Dec they will be flowering in 2 weeks, if you plant in April they wont flower for 3 months.


Active Member
^^^ 100% agreed. I lived northern east coast my whole life and I would never consider even trying that. waste of time and resources. Go indoors this time of the year in your location!


Well-Known Member
FWIW... in your state I would set up a small green house and put a thermometer inside to see what the temps are getting during the cold months..
I live in an area that only has maybe 2 months of semi cold weather maybe hitting 25-30 on the coldest days if that.. so a small cheap green house for a few months would be the best for me.. you may need a heater..