Growing near other bushes, Can it be done?

Oz Rasta

Hey, i want to plant my ganja next to a nice, big bush about 7-8 foot tall. I want it to be partially camouflaged from Ariel Helicopters, is this possible?

Or will it effect my plant.

Should i grow it in a pot, or in the ground?


Well-Known Member
A 7-8 foot tall plant, grown by the sun into a large bush, will have to be planted in the ground, unless you plan on watering it every day or are using a small swimming pool as a planter.

Cannabis leaves are a distinct color green. It may not look like it to us or to the inexperienced, but observers from the air can tell the difference easily with training. Plant placement is critical, and planting other plants nearby can certainly help, though I'm no outdoor grower and don't know for sure what kind of cover plants to use.

Good luck with it!


Well-Known Member
he said he wants to grow it NEXT to a 7-8' tall bush...not grow a 7-8' tall plant ;)

Yes you can, but plant it on the side that gets the most sun, so if you live in the northern hemisphere you put it on the southern side of the bush, and vice versa...just be sure you either dig a big ass hole to plant into with your own soil, or dig a hole and put a big bucket down in the ground to grow it dont want the root system of other plants choking off the roots of the weed ;)