I always lst and scrog 6 plants in my small cabinet, 2x4x5, Due to an unfortunate accident handling seedlings I was left with 3! after much thought I've gone with the 3! so I've upped the pot size 12L to 30L and obviously all now will have extra room, I must say before we go any further I have never grown in such large pots before! my question is regarding veg in these bigger pots.. I always veg my usual 6 for 3 weeks, Should I just veg for 3-weeks with the bigger pots? obviously a 3-week veg in a pot that size will give me the bigger plant, but exactly how much bigger? really don't won't to be hitting the lights with this one but want to maximise the 3, thinking maybe some hard scrogging work on this grow to be key. your thoughts and input much appreciated