Growing from this years harvests' seeds....


Well-Known Member
so you might be thinking, yeah thats normal, re-using seeds from the summers harvest, right? well the thing i left out is this, we started with female clones, so why are there even any seeds? well some of the girls got pollenated somehow by a nearby male. i'm assuming it is a low quality ditch plant that grows naturally all over the surrounding area. so if the genetics of the seeds are made of a good female and a bad male, then will the seeds produce crappy plants, or will they still be good because of the genetics in the females? any response would be great!


Well-Known Member
it could produce bad plants. some could be more dominant in the female strain and others in the male strain. i had a similiar thing happen to me and the seeds produced shitty plants.


Well-Known Member
thats crappy i guess. would it be worth it to do it anyway and see how the females turn out? im just trying to get some descent green i dont really have access to any seeds now.


Well-Known Member
well if u only got a few one of the feamales could have turned hermie and made some seeds so try it out worst case is all the seeds are male but u could have feminised seeds


Well-Known Member
so are you saying that if the pollen is from a male, even a low quality one, then the seeds will be mostly male, or will the chance of having either gender be the same as usual? i just hate wasting time and they are 2 weeks old. lol.


Active Member
so are you saying that if the pollen is from a male, even a low quality one, then the seeds will be mostly male, or will the chance of having either gender be the same as usual? i just hate wasting time and they are 2 weeks old. lol.
No matter how your plants got pollinated, you shoudl have around 50% females from seed. I would just plant a few of em and see what comes out. You will never know if you dont plant em.