Grow Size Opinions.. Noobs, everyone invited


Well-Known Member
sup..Just after the general consensus of what ppl think a "big" grow is..(NOT taking into account clones and mothers) Eg. 30 plants flowering in a 6x8 room, would u consider that big? or small or medium? 40 plants, is that big? 50,60,70,80 flowering plants..Wot do you consider big?
Thanks in advance Sl


Well-Known Member
Well, to me, it's the size of the room that matter, not the number of plants, as long as it's packed full. My room is only 5' x 6.5', and it's capable of over a pound a month, and more than two once I get it perfected. IMO, anything 10' x 10' is getting big, as long as it's packed full.


Well-Known Member
my flower tent is 3x3,and as you can see i pack em in !.....:weed:..... ive just pulled the 2 you can see,.. left is a DNA, LA Confidential, ...right is a Barneys Farm, Red Diesl.


In Cali you get the same amount of jail time for 99 or fewer plants. So, for me to classify a grow as big or commercial, it'd have to be around a hundred or more. I guess my opinion is based off what "they" consider big.


Well-Known Member
It not the size of the ship that matters...
... It's the motion in the ocean...
So what motion in the ocean is considred big?
Lb every 2 weeks ala Al.b Fuct or Lb every 3 weeks like the Stinkbud Set, is that big by anyones opinion? (bcos the grow ops themselves are quiet small)
Thanks peeps Sl.


Well-Known Member
Small can sometimes mean more i have tried all differant heights of flowering but have yet to beat 1 ft.By flowering at this size the whole of the plant can recive ample light giveing you more buds per plant.I measure a ft from stem to stem and that is where my next plant sits.I average dry weight about 1 1/2/2 ounce per plant.


Well-Known Member
Small can sometimes mean more i have tried all differant heights of flowering but have yet to beat 1 ft.By flowering at this size the whole of the plant can recive ample light giveing you more buds per plant.I measure a ft from stem to stem and that is where my next plant sits.I average dry weight about 1 1/2/2 ounce per plant.

That's interesting,(and makes sense) and I haven't tried it yet so i wanted to ask you about it. Do you mean that you flower the plants when they are 12" tall, and then place them 12" apart? Also, do you top them or anything, before you do this?


Well-Known Member
I consider FDD's backyard a big grow :bigjoint:

Lots of studies have been done that proclaim fewer plants with more spaceing between will always provide higher yields than crowded plants


Well-Known Member
my flower tent is 3x3,and as you can see i pack em in !.....:weed:..... ive just pulled the 2 you can see,.. left is a DNA, LA Confidential, ...right is a Barneys Farm, Red Diesl.
Thanks for the pics bazoomer.. i didnt think the La Con was such a producer..