

Active Member
Anybody used a groClone? High times said it was the shit. Just gotta hear what other people think before I buy one or three.


Well-Known Member
I am also wondering about the groclone. Thinking about getting one this weekend. Any experienced users care to comment?


not experienced, but first run went good, all rooted eventually, it's not fast process, second run 1 rooted and rest got a ball of slime on the ends, trashed, bleached, cut 3 more and they're in there now, waiting to see what happens. groclone recommends using nothing except cutting and putting into ph ready water. so im letting the olivias sit this time and see what happens. im changing the water ed or eod also instead of 3 - 5 days. the ph has fallen back out of range by this time anyways to 7.6 to 8.0


im contemplating a different method, i have a couple month old slow starter plant and a month old one that did root for me blowing up but im week 2 flowering and wanna get 16 more ready to go in the dark room.


Well-Known Member
I had some successful first runs but now the damn thing wont root shit and I dont know wtf is going on.


same here brother! same here! i donno what to do, gonna have to go to the local shop and get this rockwool or something and do it that way. cause this groclone seems to just keep sliming them up. i've bleached the piss outta it, rinsed the piss outta it, use just spring water and nothing seems to help.


Well-Known Member
Thing to do is call thier headquarters in sacramento and bug the shit out of them. They'll try and give you troubleshooting info but Ive done everything they've suggested and still I only root about 1 or 2 out of 25 cuts. It just stopped working.
However Ive never had problems with slime. I havn't a clue on how to help you there.
Im deffinately calling them as soon as I find the number.


no slime this time round, and still taking awhile it seems. only put 3 in this time so not to waste. gonna give them up to 20 days i guess. guessing they've been in there a week.