GreenHouse Arjan's Strawberry Haze/ Paradise Seeds Acid seed review/ smoke is curing!


Well-Known Member
Anybody got pics of good strawberry haze? I'm open if youve got pics but damn mine sucked. My other strains were all fire. Fox Farms ocean forest you can see the whole grow


Well-Known Member
i have 5 soaking as we speak. i have grown it 3 times before and had great results every time. the strawberry smell is more dominant when grown in soil vs hydro. this will be my first run in dro with her. i have grown their lemon skunk so many times ive lost count and its always been 100% lemon to the core. their trainwreck was decent but not great and my buddy swears by their SLH. will let ya know how mine turn out. i have hazemans seeds strawberry cough and dj shorts blueberry going too. wanna cross the cough to the haze to make some regular strawberry seeds and also the blueberry to the haze to hopefully get something super sweet.


Well-Known Member
That sounds cool man, let me know if any of your strawberry turn out weird. I feel like greenhouse genetics have really unstable results. I bet you'll end up with five very different looking plants even though they are the same strain. Maybe I just got really unlucky. But I've heard people complain about certain phenotypes of SLH as well.