Green and Yellow leaves

Rt. Nut

I got a gal about 9 weeks into flower. All the fan leaves have turned yellow and most have been removed. It is a soil grow. The small leaves on the plant are mostly green, the trichs are all clear. I look at them with a 40X loupe with a white light. Can you suggest something better? I still can't see crap. I have been giving the plant water only the last couple of waterings., due to the yellowing of the Fan leaves. I thought it must be near time to chop. After reading some of the post, I think I might have screwed up.
The plant is EFP.
What should I do at this point.


Well-Known Member
what strain is it? it was probally fading, as it naturally does. you could give it 24-48 hrs. dark to push it along...peace


Well-Known Member
most strains will take a little while longer if growing conditions arent perfect, and i think some sativas got 10 weeks. more info and some pics would be helpful


Well-Known Member
Start feeding again, wait for all cloudy trichs, forget the flush.

Be patient as it sound like your plant is at a bit of a disadvantage without all of those fan leaves (and also that you stopped feeding). It will finish up, it just might be taking longer than normal.

This is another reason I hate flushing at harvest, it makes people try and predict when the harvest will occur. For new growers or even experienced growers with a new strain, this is easier said than done. Just forget the flush.