greater Seattle outdoor geurilla grow- advice?


I live in the Seattle area lowlands, near the salt water. i'm looking for

A) advice on planting outdoors- I've sucessfully planted quite a few other other crops- corn, beans, carrots, squash, just by directly planting the seeds outdoors, usually at the beginning of May. Is this possible here? what time should i try and do it?

B) I'm still currently looking for a source for seeds- none of the weed i get ever has any seeds- I've torn apart 8ths looking for them, but i haven't seen any in a while. good for smoking, bad for planting. what's a good strain that will do well here? i'm not necessarily looking for anything super strong or high yeilding- that can come later- just something that is as durable as hell, particularly in this area.

C) the current plan is to simply grow some mixed in other crops. It'll be rather public, but i figure no one will really pay attention since there's already 20 kinds of plants growing. You'd need a degree to figure out what half of them are anyway lol.

so that's my current thoughts and concerns. any help is appreciated. thanks!



New Member
attitude seed bank online. buy FEM seeds so u save time. best service i've ever had. as far as when to put them out and such do some
research on when your last frost suppose to come and put them out 1-2 weeks after that date just to be sure.
I would germinate the seeds in a paper towl and wait for a taproot to show 1-2 inches before planting in soil.
veg them indoors for at least 4 weeks before you put them outside so they arent in such a harsh environment
as a baby, even a light rain and some winds may tear it up. This will also give your plant a size jump come later on in the
season if you weren't to veg indoors before putting them out.

trial and error ! dont get discouraged if something goes wrong it's always a learning experience when it comes to MJ


well justi got some more seeds from there.! i got some a while ago but i think they're too old now- i got them in 2010.
I got 12 De Sjamaan Seeds Widow Skunk seeds, and 2 freebies. I'm looking to do some breeding, so i'm not looking for feminized.

i guess i'll probably sprout them around may 1st- that's when i planted corn last year, and it did great.
