Grape Ape- Pistils w pictures!


Hey all,
I am pretty new to this forum but am really liking it here. I have been growing for a while now but I need more opinions as I feel trapped.

I have a couple Grape Apes-supposedly a 60 day strain. FF ocean forest, FF nutes with a few other additives. I am right at 59 days flowering today. I started flushing about 1 week ago thinking the 50% of hairs that hadnt turned would turn red over the flush period. Not only was I wrong, but I am experiencing massive growths, including nodes as well as sheer mass overall.

Obviously I need a 30x microscope to look at the trichs, but my question is what you guys would do at this point. Should I feed em again, or keep flushing for another week or so? Would flushing this long effect bud density due to the massive growth without nutrients? Any input is appreciated as I feel I have put myself in a wierd position by assuming these were really 60 day Apes. THANKS!


Having trouble posting the pics? I read how to upload pics in FAQ, and im assuming they are too big to upload? An Iphone picture?


should be very simple.
I email the photo to myself, im sure to save as jpg, and it is under max size. go to attachment manager, select pic, click upload and red circle with explanation mark every time.


I dunno... Kinda frustrating, heh. Im pretty good with computers and I cant figure it out. tried everything. Anyway, try looking at my profile pictures which was taken a few days ago (and uploaded with no issues, from same phone? heh). You can see how white all the hairs are still. Thanks