Grams per Watt?


Well-Known Member
I started BB from seed strain is cheesy dick i topped and lsted tons till april 9 when i flipped my tent to flower


Well-Known Member
but how long was the veg ?
photo growers count flower - finish
auto growers count from seed - finish


Well-Known Member
"useless unless you actualy know your total draw of all your equipment runing. Lamps,ac,fans,filters,even timers."
The light is used as the point of measure because that is the specific energy draw the plant uses to grow. not the AC. you can grow with no AC but you cant grow with no light. capiche??

"Think about it this way if your using a 1000 and 1800 watts of ac to grow 2lbs and your buddy is using just a 1k light and getting 15zips are you really the more efficent grower"

the only way to compare would be for you to grow in his setup and then compare.

This method is not for comparing different grow operations to one another. this system is designed to compare cycles in one operation.
then why does every on this site all try to compare their GPW with eachother like it was dicksize? little bit hostile to others opinions are we? Btw its not bullshit to sound smart, Do you Pay for your electricity? Yes, then it is an expense that needs to be factored it no matter if its light, ac, ozone generators whatnot.
When factoring in your GPW do you also add the 15-30% additional draw to convert the electricity or just the watt number on the bulb?

If Per m/2 or even square foot is hard to figure out may i suggest going back to elementary school.

EDIT: in vert growing Im sure more just measure the floor footprint to show the efficency related to a flat grow as cubic footage or m3 would make it seem ineffiecent when in fact its not just because of the sheer amount of space the light covers


Well-Known Member
Ifu do many small plants m/2 would be a pain yo calculate..since u only calculate the plant for the area

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
After a 2 month veg on my first ever grow, of anything I manged to get just over 0.5g per watt. Had 250w HPS, the plant became rootbound and encountered some stress due to electricity going out for 4 hours during light period and temps got a bit low due to being in a garage where the weather outside was really determining the inside temp.

Also the buds really didn't fatten up because there were far to many roots per Coco ratio and not enough P, K was getting absorbed. But easy things to get straight!!

Really can't wait to grow again because what I learned was to relax and take it easy, better to underfeed then over feed for a better end product.