the writing has been on the wall for months
If legalization (weasel word) was to happen the way any of us see it, it would have already happened.
-They would not have picked six hang men to over see it.
-There would be no vale of secrecy, good news travels fast - if I had something people wanted I would let them know - wouldn't you?
-Medical people (us) would have been informed, updated, and not in court for the last hundred years literally.
On the other hand if one is a sneaky little pecker head and would promise anything to get elected then one might also;
-Try to create fear over false (flag) issues - like those poor children. So why then does the CDC say that 76% of youth have tried booze and 28% have tried cannabis. So then why isn't the "black market" in charge of booze - they have a better record. Clearly something is wrong there.
A 7 -10 billion dollar market, how many of those billions are coming from kids and were did kids get billions of dollars from any ways???
-Try to stall to figure out things like; taxes, how to force compliance, gain public support through miss information, and provide a whimsical internet survey and comment red herring program. What is this - Americas got fuckin talent, were we get to vote - WOW.I feel like a part of the process already. Too bad it would have no baring.
I might also spend a bunch of cash on a mock -you-mentorie to try to appease the "pot heads" - just hope uNcLe bILl doesn't say anything stupid. Kinda like todays...
Try the free market - free from bullshit...