Gonna Try a Grow.


Active Member
Lil update, Transplanted my babies in to their final homes yesterday. MG OC mixed with MG Perlite. Look to be doing good. Pots are so big im having trouble getting the lights adjusted good on them.IMG_0133.JPGIMG_0135.JPGIMG_0136.JPGIMG_0137.JPG


Active Member
Thanks. Not sure gb. Used 24 quarts of medium. Have to be around 2 gallons each. One of them is a lil smaller than the other 2 though. My father had grown tomatos in them before.


lmao father ust to grow tomatos an now the son is growing something even better in them..good setup for a noob..im one myself so im not hatin on ya...i have a roadrunner auto lil over 3 weeks now. iv read that autos need to be planted directly to their final pot..cause autos dislike stress...check mine out an lemme know what ya think..keep the updates comin tho..i wanna see everyones opinion on the auto strain(the ones that really grow an dont post b.s on here)


oh yea and dont rid of the cfl side lighting..those autos will love you for it..i have my lady covered in just t8 florous an its bushy as sh** yo....with that hps your gone be doing some real growing with those autos my friend


Active Member
ws6 me and my dad grow a hell of a garden every year. We got turnips going on now. I said something to him about doing some indoor once. lol. He said the only thing you grow indoors is a cash crop. So here i am. He doesn't know anything about it. Im growing for me and a couple buddies. They dont know im growing either. I just tell em theres gonna be some fire around before long. :-) Didnt go auto. Went with the snow white. I kinda wish i had gone auto so i could have them done before the holidays.


ah i see, still a good strain to grow. thats why i got the auto myself. didnt feel like waitin months to try my own grown ya know. if you order some soon you may get lucky an one may flower a lil earlier than expected.. readt to harvest by at least the first of the yr anyways. snow whites seem to be shootin up pretty good an healthy. keep the updates comin wanna see how they do.


Active Member
Started flowering last night. Gave them a dose of Open Sesame. Hoping to harvest one of the small ones before New Years. SW1 at about 8 in.IMG_0154.JPGSW2 at 12 in.IMG_0151.JPGSW3 at about 8 in.IMG_0150.JPG


Active Member
Thanks guys, +rep for all. Ginger wouldnt let me rep ya anymore, but you the man! Got some nute burn on the bottom leaf of SW2. Dont seem like a big deal. Ready to see buds! Cant wait.


Active Member
IMG_0158.JPG The odor eliminator can thingy is stout. It fills the room. The plants have had a skunky smell for about a week. Seems like i can still smell it with the filter. Give it a couple days and see whats up. IMG_0155.JPG


Well-Known Member
Looking great. Your going to get some fat budz off of those plants i bet. Cant wait to see some flowers on them :D :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks hl4m. + rep homes. I'm sure ready to see some buds! Lil update I took the carbon filter off the plastic screen and just let the fan suck it to the back. After trimming the filter had enough to cover the back of a smaller fan in my room. Haven't smelt the first hint of skunk since. Usually gets worse with the lights on so we'll see tonight.


Active Member
Got some lower limbs turning yellow and curling up. This happened sometime today. Is it ok to cut em off? Whats causing this? If anybody has any advice id like to hear it. Please. lol. Im bout to give them another dose of open sesame. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Plants look great! Dont worry about those lower leaves. They naturally fall off and die. Leaf tips curling up means deficiency and curling down means burn most likely. My bottom sets always turn yellow and fall off.

Plants look amazing. :D :leaf: Come'on budzzz :D