Giant Underground Alien Base


New Member
If aliens are smart enough to travel this far, they are smart enough to stay the hell away from us. What's the earth mentality? "look at that, I've never seen that before, LETS KILL IT".

I always thought Bigfoot was an alien researcher, that's why we can't find him. He stops off, does his thing and moves on. I think the hairy bigfoot suit is just a disguise. Like they tried to look like a bear but got it wrong.


New Member
LOL that reminded me of something. When I was researching all this alien stuff I found this long ass interview (like 8 videos long on youtube) from this guy that had supposedly been interacting with aliens for years, and he said something like Bigfoot is the worker bee of the alien world when the guy asked him about it. I was like WTF, after that I couldnt take him seriously anymore lol.

After researching this stuff for a while now, u start to notice that there is a lot of hoaxes and Bullshit stories out there. I have no idea why ppl lie and make up stuff, but theyre doing it. Sometimes the fakes are obvious, sometimes not so much. But the fact of the matter is that there are aliens out there, I think thats pretty obvious. The government needs to come out sooner or later and admit it.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly, the guy said that they have a direct entrance right in from a road or something in Wyoming or someplace like that. I dont think its a public road anymore though.
You mean a sign like this?

Wyoming is one of the places we have a large nuclear missile force at. Right near Laramie. Makes sense that it's actually a missile silo sight.

And you guys keep saying "skeptics" like that's a bad thing. If you aren't skeptical then you are saying you believe everything everyone tells you every time.

If you want to prove something is true you first try to prove it isn't true. Unfortunately the UFO nuts, paranormal wack-a-doodles, and the religious loons are already "faith" believers so any evidence will always prove what they believe to be true irrespective of the actual facts. They aren't trying to intelligently analyze the information they are trying to make if fit their already formed beliefs.

And remember. Don't believe anything you hear or see on the Internet and only half of what you see in person.

People lie because it makes them feel important. It also reinforces the false beliefs they have so lets them avoid the shame of being so incredibly wrong.

On the other hand don't let a scientist type ever tell you something is impossible. Impossible just means we haven't done it yet.

Just a few impossible inventions:
Airplane (and later mono wing planes)
A/C Generator
Fast cars (people thought it would rip the air out your lungs)
Faster than light communications (see quantum tunnelling effect) - not invented yet but it's only a matter of time and this might be one way we'll do it.


New Member
I never said I believe in everything I hear on the internet. I am a pretty big skeptic myself, but really there is no other explanation for this stuff. On the other hand, I guess Im going off of what I hear on the internet and on shows right now, but there is really no other way to prove this stuff then to see it for yourself. Im not a UFO nut or a "faith" believer in that, I am a very intelligent and rational person. Still there is so much evidence for this stuff to be true.

I still am skeptical about this stuff, but it seems to be true to me. You have to really ask yourself why all of these thousands of people would make this stuff up. The best explanation the scientists or whatever could come up with for alien abductions is sleep paralysis...thats pretty sad. Ive had sleep paralysis many times and nothing like that whatsoever happened to me. You have to be a skeptic but at the same time you have to be open minded.


Well-Known Member
I haven't even read the links yet.

I have read a lot about conspiracy theories and the like, and all i have to say on the matter is the following :

If it's so secret, why are there websites about it?

The governments would obviously destroy any website that is posting about sensitive stuff, right?

They can take down websites, and if the information was really that damaging, they would have a team of people to remove it.

Hell if they are working with aliens, they'll have the technology to do that, surely..

Just my input. :)


Well-Known Member
Trip reports from people who have taken DMT often have accounts of abduction and analysis by insectoid/reptilian creatures.

As well as being just about the most potent hallucinagen known to man, DMT is also produced in your Brain when you DREAM.

In my opinion these accounts are people DREAMING and not being able to tell the difference.

As bad as your Government is, I find it hard to believe that, if they had access to Advanced Alien Technologies, they would not have already utilized this in improving society.


New Member
But why in the hell would all those ppl have "dreams" about the same thing? Even ppl who have never even heard of this stuff before. Plus there has been astronauts and ppl straight up come out and tell ppl that there is aliens and UFOs in outer space and they regularly saw them.

I know that some amount of these ppl are just doing hoaxes or making up stuff, or maybe it really was a hallucination or something but that doesnt explain all the other ppl.


Well-Known Member
I am always skeptical about things such as this. Area 51, Dulce, etc, I take it with a grain of salt, maybe there is something there, maybe their isn't. Until I see it with my own eyes will I make my decision. However........Space, if we are the only "intelligent" life forms out there, that would be a terrible waste of space.


Well-Known Member
Check out this video.

YouTube - THE MOST AMAZING VIDEO EVER!! You Figure it Out

I'm being skeptical.
But you can't dismiss the very quick flickers that his eyes are doing to the monitor in front of him, you can clearly see it, i've just tried looking at something like that, trying to replicate the movement his eyes do, and i can't do it!

Am i wrong?

during the end times, the bible says demons will live among humans.


Well-Known Member
I find all of that shit hard to beleive. Out of all the places aliens could be why the fuck why they be all hiding in underground tunnels under NEW MEXICO? Plus, why would they even bother coming to Earth? All humans do is fuck shit up.