

Active Member
after germinating the seed in paper towel, then moving it to rockwool. o i place the seed still in the rockwool into my growing meium or take it out? its a dwc system


Active Member
Most people I've seen put the cube in growing medium. I personally try to avoid mixing two mediums with different water retaining propperties, so I'd germinate straight in medium with just a small piece of rockwool to help keep the seed in place untill it has enough roots to suport itself.


Active Member
okay, thanks. i plan to hand water it until the roots are far enought down to where i feel comfortable letting the system take over


Well-Known Member
It don't matter IMO Sometimes I cut clones put them in rockwool cubes or oasis cubes straight in to net pots with hydroton and put right in to my DWC buckets and let them root that way. Must be a million ways to clone and they all work done correctly. Well that's my 2 cents. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I have one plant that is directly in hydroton and doing pretty well. I also one that i germinated in pH adjusted rockwool, sprouted 3 inches, and 1" root out of the bottom in less than a week. Placed one layer of hydroton in the pot, then the cube, and then the sides and top of the rockwool. If you looked at mine you couldnt tell that its in RW. I like the retaining props of the cube, and I believe it could allow a buffer when the res level drops a little too far.


Active Member
What I do is put the rockwool cube on a shallow tray until you see the about 1/2 inch root (cpl of days) out the bottom of the cube. Then it goes into the hydroton.

With watering Just dunk the bottom half of the cube in ph ballanced water for 5 seconds and you're done.Do that every couple of days. Don't forget the cubes hold onto alot of water.

Using that method is 100% for me.
Good luck