
Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
click on the faq box on the top right. its the process of keeping the seed moist so that the root groes from the seed. You can either use paper towel method or plant directly in moist medium until it sprouts than your done germinating. next read about seedlings and vegetative growth.


Active Member
blah germination is the act of getting the seed to crack open and start its root tail.
theres so many ways to do it. its getting your seed ready for soil. however putting a seed in moist soil can produce a sproutling.
some ppl put the seeds in a cup filled with clean water.
i simply soak a rockwool cube and put it in a humidome with a small cfl for light.
usually have a sprout in 3-5 days.
or you can soak 2 peices of paper towells with the seeds in the middle between two paper plates.
make sure to keep them wet.
either way moisture is key.


Active Member
can someone explain what these means?

what the BEST way to do it?
Hi Sure, Germination is the seed hatching. It pops two baby leaves (roundish ones AKA Cotylydons) As well as a delicate tap root. Then it begins the growth thing, using the food stored in the seed.
To Germinate/Hatch them isn't too hard. Take your seeds and slightly/lightly sand the outer skin before you go to the next step. I take a small match box and tape a piece of fine sand paper inside, stick the seeds in and shake a bit till the skins are scratched. This helps let H2O in and the seed to pop.
Take the scuffed up seeds and either set them a 1/4 inch in, in a damp expanded peat pellet or between two 'damp' pieces of paper towel. Idea being to keep them moist, warm, humid and to not let the ultra delicate sprout dry out. There's lots of other methods but these work for me.
After the seed has sprouted I continue to keep it moist but don't drown it.
No fertilizer for the first 2 to 3 weeks, there's plenty of food in the seed & planting soil. If you're doing hydro then root the seedlings in Rockwool cubes and plant that into expanded clay or larger rockwool blocks when roots start to show out the bottom of the smaller cubes...That help any? Happy Gardening GrowIT!:weed: