Gallon Hempy pot


Well-Known Member
All right RIU
what I’ve got going is a simple 1 gallon hempy pot grow with a particular strain that I plan on keeping simply because I like it’s growing style of ...Boghi’s Soar... nothing really special I just like old genetics... Sooo it will be a future mom or pops as I sex it was transferred over yesterday and will be 3 weeks old Saturday...
Hempy pot has 1 1/2 inch of clay pebbles in the bottom.. 1/2 of perlite next to bottom clay and the rest is the plain Hempy mixture 4:1 perlite to vermiculite followed by decorative rocks .. just Incase i sit it out....Will keep it updated from time to time... This is my 2nd go at a Hempy pot...fingers crossed..other was a tomato plant that got huge in a 5 for my tent that it will share with others...I kept it small and simple.. please chime in..B1ABF12C-F0D5-4084-BE51-158CCE6453F6.jpeg


Well-Known Member
This looks cool, I'll sit in on this one I've been wanting to try out a hempy, I just tried a 12/12 from seed kratky bucket, DWC without the pump and stone. But at 3 weeks old, it was already sprouting balls, so i chopped him today. I want to see where this grow goes, hempy is GOING to be my next setup after my soil girl finishes out. About 5 or weeks left.
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Well-Known Member
Having a few problems but I think I have them under control now...Soar ( Columbia Red x OMG) will be 4 weeks from seed Saturday... I plan to keep this as a mother or papa... simply because it’s landrace...

This is a bit different from soils and coco.. so keeping her/him alive in this Hempy pot is a top priority... I have other landrace genetics a friend brought me from Mexico on his vacation... Acapulco Gold :lol:supposedly... and 2 others... I will be comparing what I bought from Barney Farms AG...with it... Her ya go... and any help would be appreciatedbongsmilie69B74678-D3C3-46D7-A797-3E760012F5AF.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Update on my gallon hempy.. I believe I have my Soar plant soaring.. seems to have taken off, nice color on all the new growth... seems on point...
Well couldn’t resist... made another gallon hempy for my Genius Granddaddy!! It matters if it grows balls... I’m ditching it... this is just to see how it performs.... well it seems to be doing better in the hempy than soil... go figure!!! Beautiful leaf color...
I may just go hempy all the way... especially if it smokes the same...
Genius Granddaddy 97B3D721-DB28-4BF4-8CDB-F0036DF1AEA6.jpegD20E976C-41B9-427B-ABBB-BA17774184D9.jpeg Soar


Well-Known Member
Those are looking really healthy.
Thanks my man.. Its been a simple process and they don’t require a lot of attention...
hopefully at least one is a girl .. I will make a small mum tree for cloning...I’ve found very low doses every third feeding time is best and the ph 5.8-6.4 seems ok... outside of perimeters and leaves act up...