G13xHaze Seedlings need HELP!!!

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
I have 4 G13xHaze seedlings. They are 2 weeks from seed and dont look so good. I have them in a recirculating DWC on straight water. I top fed them with Golden Humic Extract.

Lighting is an 8 bank t5
PH is approx 5.8
Room temp is 82 degrees, kinda hot, but I cant seem to get it lower
I have fans running till I can get my ventilation system is.
Can anyone check the pix and give me an idea whatthe problem might be?



Well-Known Member
Not a pro but don't use regualar water out of the sink, and don't use the humic extract. What is that any ways? I have heard two different ways to start them off the hydro way either just water(not sink water) for the first two weeks, are 1/3 to 1/2 the normal fert solution. I have foxfarms and it say 6 teaspoons for my 6 gallons so I only put 3 teaspoons for the first two weeks. If this does not help you ask Al B. Fuct.

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
Thanks for the help.
I have them on tap water, but I let it sit for 24 hours to off gas the chlorine, then adjust PH.
The Golden Humic Extract aloows them to take up nutrients better, its supposed to be good for germination and early stage seedlings.
The lights are 18 inches away from the tops.


Well-Known Member
Well, I wouldn't use the extract yet. I forgot to ask what watts they are, but move them closer that is to far away. Depending on the watts and lumens they should be 3" to 8" away. I keep my 400hps closer than 18".