Furtilize Burn - How can I recover her?


Active Member
I have made a big mistake by using Miracle Grow flower food. Now my plant is bent over with the leaves curled and withered; however the stem is still strong and healthy looking.

This plant is 35 days from sprout and about a foot and a half tall.

I do not have a camera ; no picture.

I have been watering the plant constanty to try to flush out the shit I gave her.

Can this plant survive still? Is there a way to bring her back to life?

Thanks for your help , this site rocks.


Well-Known Member
without pics we can't help u much more than to tell u to FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH!!!

what are the temps of ur room? humidity? lights? this is some stuff thaw would help us help u



Well-Known Member
MG is so strong that if you over fed....chances are the plant will die. Good luck with flushing if you haven't already.


Well-Known Member
At what strength did you mix the Miracle Grow? At this point, do not give it any more nutrients, only plain water. When someone tells you to flush the plant, that does not mean to constantly water it like you are doing. That just means to water it normally with plain water until the plant comes back to life. By watering it constantly you are making the problem worse and creating more problems on top of that.