Fresh chopped weed - straight into a shoe-box. what do ya think???


Well-Known Member
Drying buds need Dark, dry, well ventilated places to dry properly. I sugest you try to find somewhere else to dry them lest you ruin your whole crop.


hard work can all be ruined quickly by not properly drying and curing your buds. Do it right or you will be kicking yourself.


Well-Known Member
I bought one of the medium size plastic tubs with lid, cut a 3" hole on one end near the top, drilled several small holes in the other end, attached a pc fan pulling air through the box.....strung some wire inside....dries my buds very well....easy to build and cheap.
As above posters have said, you've got to space your buds out and get ventilation .... if you don't have anywhere to hang'em, space them out in a brown paper bag and get some air moving through them...good luck


I bought one of the medium size plastic tubs with lid, cut a 3" hole on one end near the top, drilled several small holes in the other end, attached a pc fan pulling air through the box.....strung some wire inside....dries my buds very well....easy to build and cheap.
As above posters have said, you've got to space your buds out and get ventilation .... if you don't have anywhere to hang'em, space them out in a brown paper bag and get some air moving through them...good luck
This guy knows what i mean. I don't have space to hang these up, I live in a small flat. In the end I done a test. I managed to hang a few bits in the airing cupboard for 2 weeks. (the other lot went in the shoe boxes).

The stuff inside the shoe boxes tasted amazing after 3 weeks. The stuff in the airing cupboard went very dry and I had to start the curing process of jarring it up and then opening the jars each day.

Both methods worked but I like the shoe box method (no lid, just a cloth over the top).

Cheers for all the help guys


Well-Known Member
Ha,,Im a shoe box dryer too.
Love it, I have two small shoe boxes with small garden wire thread through the upper part of the box,back and forth to make small DRYING LINES. I cant get my main colas into or onto the lines,, ,but they dry well on the bottom,ontop of brown paper. thers maybe an inch between buds,,and the boxes have flap lids,,if you see what I mean. with lots of pin holes over the top. the boxes go in my food cupboard where its cool and dark.theres a small draft but its not warm,,and 2 weeks later the smell great and are MY perfect smoking dampness or more lack of dampness. shoe boxes work well cause I live in a small flat.