Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider


Active Member
Thankyou frawsti, you've been a great help and without you I could have failed at covering smell. I'll spark one up later in your honor when I go an pick up!
PS: I'm gonna go with that first link :weed:


Active Member
No problem man ^.^

And as for my plants, I think they stopped growing. I'd take pics but they look identical to what they did 5 days ago, it's weird. It seriously seems like they completely stopped, i know i watch them hard but i double checked my pics from a week ago and they dont look any different. It's pretty depressing, im not sure if theres anything for me to do. I still havent given them any nutes, but FFOF is so rich in nutrients that it has been burning them ever since i xferred them 22 days ago..So im afraid of adding nutes lol.