flushing plant

The Lorax

Active Member
total noob question. how should i flush my plant? its over nuted the leaves are curling and i need to flush it asap. should i continue only watering it when the soil is dry? or should i water it even when its wet. how much water should i put in it and how often. im growing in soil in a 3 gallon bucket atm heres a pic



Well-Known Member
when its dry, flush it with 9 gallons of plain water (3 times amount of water as the size of your container). Just keep pouring until all 9 gallons have gone through the pot. After you flush let it dry out before watering again (as you normally should)


you can flush more often if you soil drains very well, just stick to the recipe you have been working with, genralyy if you water every 3-5 days you shouldn't go any sooner, for higher air retaining soils you can water more often without causing any overwatering symptoms, but some strains are very particular and somewhat harder to grow.


Well-Known Member
I just flushed today and slowly ran 10 gallons of water through. I did it one gallon at a time, watching the water drain out the bottom not flow over the top.