Flowers turning brown/Leafs crumbling w Pics


Well-Known Member
In soil - root aphid organics
Temps stay around 68-80F
PH is at 6.3
Using X-Nutrients with ZHO, Sea Green,CAL-MAX

Flowering day 11 some of the leafs on one of my plants are decaying and a few of the flowers are turning brown on the same plant. Most of the nugs look good except like 1 or 2. If they get worse should i cut them off?
If anyone knows what would cause this or have seen something like this please help. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Few more pics are all of the same plant some of the bud sites look great. A few are doing this brown crap and the leaves just crumble. The fan blows on this one a lot could that be a issue? Its not breaking the stalks or anything just moving them around alittle.


Well-Known Member
not shur... but my $.02 would be that if the fan is blowing directly on that one and all the rest were fine then just switch it out as you would rotate a tire. if it gets beter and the different one infront of the fan does the same there is your answer.

other than that simple check im not shure. i would have said nutes but if your giving them the same and just the one is hurtn yea idk...


Well-Known Member
bumpy the only thing i could find close to this would be like a mag def. Anyone? look at the 2nd post 1st pic. You can see it looks like glass and it just crumbles when touched. Virus? or Fungus? Ive tried to "rub" it off and they just crumble off. Looked at them under 45X scope cant see any spores so i dont think its mold.


Well-Known Member
Well you did say anyone....

What's the relationship between the plant with the problems and what I'm assuming is a humidifier that's in picture 4 of the second set? Is it one of those plants that's near the humidifier? And are you running it with the negative ion generator, or something like that on? The damage on the first picture of the second set looks very odd to me and makes me think it's an external problem. Also the 2nd and 3rd picture does look like a Cal problem to me, though it seems a little early in flower for that. Maybe some of your roots are not getting enough oxygen or are sitting in some wet part off your bucket and your getting a little lockout from the roots not functioning properly, which could also explain some your leaves crumbling. You should also give some more info about your plants, like watering/feeding schedule, what strain of plant it is, etc.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Yes i do have to run a humidifier during flower, i live in the desert and the humidity here is like 5-10%. I useally keep the closet at about 30-45% humidity. The humidifier has been running for the entire grow and has not caused any issues. Its just a basic Ultrasonic(vibrations create the humidity) humidifier. My watering schedule is every 3-4 days of about 500-700ML running 100% nutes one time then fresh water the next. Sea Green from Primordial Solutions is supposed to stop plants from getting nute lockouts(or so it says it does). I have very good watering habbits or atleast I think I do, I weigh the buckets do the basic finger check. So the plant in question when i got it was Labeled "CR" I know its deff a Indica but might aswell have been a bagseed cause i dont know what flavor of Indica is it. I have 3 of these "CR" plants the other 2 are not showing any signs of stress and the nugs are all putting out white hairs. Im thinking I may have blown to much air at this plant since its in the front row and my fan pretty much points at it and dried out thoes pistils, about the only solution i think as far as the nugs go. The leaves on the other hand I dont know whats up with them they have seemed to stop spreading as fast just a few spots here and their. I'm just reading up that early brown pistils could mean they got pollenated? Its def tripping me out that only like 3 outa 50 nugs are turning this brown color already. Sorry for the long post/rant I just keep thinkin i'm going to go in their one morning and its going to be dead.


Well-Known Member
well it's obvious you've got pets... some leave miners or worst.. As for the rest I can see a Ca def, very common and easy to treat.... If the pistils are looking burnt there should be a problem whih a micro like B for example. Temps, PH amd RH are fine as the leave diameter is good. Are you using RO water?


Well-Known Member
Yea, i do use RO water from a bulk dispenser its always been spot on at 7.0 from the dispenser. After putting nutes and then PH up its sitting around 6.0 to 6.5. Just chcked them and it seems that the ones with the brown hairs may have been cause by excessive fan blowing on them. Would the leaves also get damage from a fan? I had it on full blast for like 2-3 days and since i noticed the pistils turning brown lowered it down. It was not strong enough to break any nodes or stems so i figured it would be ok.
i agree with maps it looks as if critters are eating your leaves look for pests before doing something else that could hurt them more and great grow man


Well-Known Member
Yea, i do use RO water from a bulk dispenser its always been spot on at 7.0 from the dispenser. After putting nutes and then PH up its sitting around 6.0 to 6.5. Just chcked them and it seems that the ones with the brown hairs may have been cause by excessive fan blowing on them. Would the leaves also get damage from a fan? I had it on full blast for like 2-3 days and since i noticed the pistils turning brown lowered it down. It was not strong enough to break any nodes or stems so i figured it would be ok.
You know I've advised more than 7 times this week to people to ditch their RO system... they were all having trace or micro nutrient deficiencies and using obscene amounts of Calmag (15ml+). Growing is easy, fun, simple if you keep it simple. Is your tap water too hard for your plants to take it?


Well-Known Member
Yes, my tap water is from a well. This water is bruuutal i can let it sit for 24 hours and it turns brown pretty much. TONSSSSSS of iron, if you use bleach in my washing machine AHAHAHAHHA i ruined tons of shirts that way b4 i learned. I cant spot any leaf miners i thought thats what it was also. I have had root aphids, I have bleached / treated everything. Pymethrin seems to keep them in check. I have not seen them in over a week. I get the fungus gnat every once in a while like 1 a week but has never been a prob. The leafs dont seem to be progressng any further but i know this plant will not produce 100%. If these buds stay turinng brown i think i will just cut them off and hope for the best.