Florida Grow (HELP!!)


Active Member
south florida.

i had 1 week old plants in small pots outdoors.

Currently going through a cold front so i moved them indoors and unfortunatley i have no lights....so i am planning to keep all 4 babies in the darkness in my closet for 2 whole days(hopefully) or at least untill the front is over and i can get them back outdoors.

I was told that i started way to early outdoors and that even if the front is over if i try to grow my plants outdoors they will flower instantly.


will 48 hours of darkness affect the babies?
will the plants flower instantly if put outside?if so then what can i do??


Well-Known Member
Just let them flower and then when the days go over 12 hours light, cover them up at night so they still get 12 dark until they are done. It doesn't matter if they flower early, they just won't be as big.