first try LST BBW


Well-Known Member
So I germed 3 Critical Kush Fem seeds from Barney's. They all sprouted but one was mutated, grew into 2 tops and super stunted. I just FIMed one, but this is about my first LST so here it is.

Yesterday I bent her to the side, today is my first attempt at trying to grow the main stalk in a spiral. The plan is to go clockwise all the way around the bucket, then go around again if it gets that far; I could always re-pot too.

These are both moms [CK2, CK3] I plan to flower CK2, the girl I'm training now (haven't decided on SCROG or just tied down. I don't know if you guys could shed some insight onto what may happen when I try to flower these bi ol' girls.

Here's my main project girl, and then see if anyone can spot the indicas on my tray... I may or may not have mixed up 2 strains there.... oops (8x Critical Kush 2-3x Burmese Kush)
(The soil meter is there... deal with it)





New Member
Hey man that looks like a mission, I'm a novice grower but some of the pictures of the bansai plants - like short, thick bushes - gotten by LST are really inspiring. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Seem good for the moment ! (: Lst is so good lol but i prefer my zst method by using a different bent technique that is less aggressive it bent more the botom of the plant instead of the top one so they look more beautiful and suffer less at the end. It take abit longer and the plant need more attention and care but in the longway im sure they are more than happy :eyesmoke: but I'm exited to see your results in couple of days too compare with my ladys :)
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