First time Poster/Grower Question,


Hi guys, Greetings from the Southern Hemi
just about to start my First Grow and i've had a issue lingering at the back of my mind, im going to grow outdoors but the light hours are roughly 12/12. would this be a serious problem(just because all the things i've been reading recommend 18-20 hours light)? im thinking of planting some Northern Lights Auto.


Active Member
If your doing autos they will grow and flower in any light schedule, better 18/6 or 20/4 all the way through. No need to switch with autos. Reg or fem seeds you can either do 12/12 from seed or veg in 18/6 till you want to switch to 12/12 to flower. Peace

P.s. I have grown autos under 12/12 before and they are much better with 18/6, but still produced buds that were pretty nice.


Active Member
I would love to be in a zone with 12/12 sun. Some people have all the luck. Grow anything you want!! 12/12 from seed is done all the time with great yields.