First time grower


Active Member
I'm in my first as well. We are on the same time frame as each other. Mine looks the same as yours. When are you going to switch them to the final planter? What kind are you growing?


:-PA thanks guys im going to switch in about 1or 2 weeks depends on growth and i dont no what kind of seed just some bush weed off the streets


Well-Known Member
Hey Mate, they look healthy. Wat is taped to the side of the cup?
I wud wait longer than 2 weeks b4 switching them, as they won't b established enough or hav enough sites to grow any decent bud.. It's a good idea with seed to wait at least a month. at the very least u shud wait til u c the 1st set of true leaves come out..
If u plan on using LST then it will add 2 ur veg time.
Anymore questions feel free to ask me.
Hope this helps - XxNinjaxX :joint:


Well-Known Member
Nice plants, I just started some WR too. In two weeks, is that just moving to bigger pot and still vegging or going to flower? What type of light you going to flower with?


Hey Mate, they look healthy. Wat is taped to the side of the cup?
I wud wait longer than 2 weeks b4 switching them, as they won't b established enough or hav enough sites to grow any decent bud.. It's a good idea with seed to wait at least a month. at the very least u shud wait til u c the 1st set of true leaves come out..
If u plan on using LST then it will add 2 ur veg time.
Anymore questions feel free to ask me.
Hope this helps - XxNinjaxX :joint:
A thanks for the info xxNINJAxx I will be needing all the info I can get:-P


Nice plants, I just started some WR too. In two weeks, is that just moving to bigger pot and still vegging or going to flower? What type of light you going to flower with?
well I was going to move to a bigger pot but xxNINjaxx said i should wait about a month so im going to wait dont no what kind of light right now just taking it week by week hopefully i can make it that far:bigjoint:


Not looking too bad smokeybeaar. I'll post some pics up of ours tonight. I've got a small closet grow going myself. similar to yours. I did have some cfls attached like you do, but yesterday I built my own reflector out of some dryer ducting. it came out pretty good.
subscribed to your thread btw.


Well-Known Member
My apologies SmokeyBear I thought u meant you were going to switch them to flower, lol. It will be fine to move them to another pot. Just exercise care when doing so.. I'll check bak in every now and then, so post up new
pics wen u re-pot them. Good Luck.