First Time Grow Pure Afghan


Active Member
So i started this 2 weeks and 3 days ago and wanted to start throwing everything down for some feedback
I've got 2 4bulb T5 lights 6500k 6in duct booster for exhaust
Coco and perlite (about 60/40)


Active Member
Roots were poking out the bottom but i was nervous cause they were just getting healthy, but decided to transplant anyways, next time ill probably only do one transplant to final pot
it was 2 gallon smart pots (5 gallons for final)
Most were good switches but one coco crumbled on me and had to try and salvage I blocked the wind on her by the sticky trap up, saw one small little fly like on my houseplants flying around and scared the hell out of me
transplanted into 2 gallons.jpg


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Opened them up after 2 days transplanted and they have slowed or stopped growing, basically since transplant and now i was seeing some weird shit on the stem, granted im pretty stoned so i could just be paranoid, all but one maybe two had reddish stem 2 were green, and my one plant that was becoming super bushy, which had a reddish stem, looked like it was shedding it? and a couple had these little things near the branch and main stem, forgetting my horticultural terms, my first reaction was Balls!! (literally) But how could this be its only 2 weeks total, any input please!?
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little worried about transplant till i opened them up today, they're lookin pretty greeen, just got the vibe they were ready from adjusting and they're gona start taking off soon, hopefully
I fed them 1/2tsp FF grow with good amount of runoff ph'd the run off at it was 7-7.1 kinda worried but i think i remember seeing coco is pretty neutral so who knows they aren't drooping or anything just adjusting
good after trans.jpgall after trans lookin better.jpglookin good 3 days after transplant.jpg
What do you guys think so far?


Active Member
Just flushed 1/5 with filtered tap water till the run off was pretty clear, just to test because i didnt flush the coco before the transplant hopefully this will wash out the salts so the plant can get back to growing like it was before the transplant,

Additionally i have been turning the exhaust an hour after the lights as well as an hour before
I was doing this to get them some good humidity, Colorado is supper dry humidity is usually about 25-35 when i open up before they've kicked on its like 65-70
They seemed to love that before the transplant so kept it going, but like i said they're shocked or theres a lockout


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beginning flowering.jpginside flowering.jpgfucked up one.jpgundergrowth more.jpgundergrowth.jpgStong one, top left.jpg
Started work on the flowering room just gotta put up the black and white
Flushed the top left and back middle
the cotyledons have started looking a little more pale slight yellow, gona use this as an indication to really start feeding, think thats a good idea??
the first one is the plant i fucked up in transplant and a fly trap fell on, definitely been taking a lot of abuse but not dying, just growing a bit funky
They are staying quite bushy from what i can tell, top left is the champ so far (stuck my finger to check moisture and saw a root already searching out to the pots sides) also been focusing watering on the sides i'm guessing its working, getting the roots to reach, is this a good idea??

Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you


Active Member
First "real" feeding day on their 3wk birthday
Fed Superthrive this morning before their lights went out to the top 2 and back middle
then 1/2 tsp of ff grow with filtered tap to all when the lights turned on
Looking great, props to superthrive
hand compare.jpglittle girl 3wks.jpgstem 3wks.jpgimage-25.jpg


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bent the stems again, didn't really crack on me, stems are getting strong haha
great smell from the juice they secreted made me so stoked !!