first time ever closet grow


Well-Known Member
got any good suggestions on howi can keep the temps down ? so i dnt end up cooking the plant.
this is a common problem with small boxes that i luckily do not experience as i grow in a closet. try searching "ventilation" as a tag under the search function. you should find lots about small box ventiation tricks.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
well mine is in a large closet just i had to cut it down to size so that it could still kinda be used as a closet lol. i supose im going to need good vetilation nd fans tokeep the air moving.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats where i was going with my question....its hard to keep the heat down in small areas but you're right lots of cold air coming in will do the trick..

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
just been thinking i cant run any type of vent from the outside, so will air coming in from say a normal room be suitble? and any ideas of fans that i can use to suck the air out of the grow box so that is keeps reasonably cool.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure how hots the room?? if you have no choice you will have to just keep adding fans or buy an air cooler/humidifier of ebay.

PC fans are good cheap fans people rig them up with phone chargers... I use a circulating fan and two shower extractor fans (1 in, 1 out) u can pick them up for £15-£20 from Diy shops..


Well-Known Member
yeah they do create noise... you can get silent pc fans tho have a search about not sure what they cost..soz


Well-Known Member
standard 12v 5 inch computer fans running on a 5v line are silent.
put them on a 10v and they are audible.

they shift a good amount of ait when working in dual in a cab.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanx sublimed got any ideas of wher i can find this type of fan? and im not 1 very good wid electrics, got and mire information on that. thanx

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
quik question, im thinking of changing my grow room over to the other side of closet ,my current dimensions are 3ft high,bout 2ft wid and bout 2 foot deep. the other side is bout 3ft wide bout 3ft tall and bout just under 2 food deep,. think swapping sides would be a better idea any suggestions would be helpfull. thanx all in advance.i just thought it would be better as i could grow more plant at 1 time and would get to hot and humid being a bigger area.