First outdoor grow! Getting late!


Active Member
Well it's about that time I guess. I have to nice mostly sativa hybribs and I need to know if its to late to keep them alive or maybe i've done something wrong check them out. I havn't checked the tric's because they arn't amber yet, still milky white.



Well-Known Member
good looking plant :)yea looks like you got a few more weeks... and than it will be nice.


Active Member
yeah I was thinking 3 weeks or so. I don't know when the first frost is coming. the weather has been unusally high so far this late in the year here. I may not have 4 weeks left is all. I guess we'll see how far we can push it. Growing sativa's outside in this neck of the woods is bit of a gamble I guess. And here is another pic of the other one.



Well-Known Member
aw man. hope the weather lets you keep it out there a few more weeks. youl love it either way. sativas are nice :)


Well-Known Member
yeah you need atleast 4 weeks... please be paitent... and youve done nothing wrong... :)


Well-Known Member
My plant seems to be at about the same level of growth as Nova's plant. My problem is that the temp at night is starting to drop into the high 20's. How do I handle this? Will the plant continue to mature? Should I cut now or just wait? Recently moved to a much colder climate & am not sure how to handle this. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, O2



Active Member
Thanks guys. I'll be patient, its just so damn hard. I'm growing indoors this winter. I wanted to clone the one for it.


Active Member
02 i think it maybe alittle cold but maybe you could cover them with a trash bag at night if you have ability.


Well-Known Member
Do I just keep growing --I'm not sure how long it will take the cold. It is a femaloe that got polinated. Is it worth saving except for seed?
Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Do I just keep growing --I'm not sure how long it will take the cold. It is a femaloe that got polinated. Is it worth saving except for seed?
Thanks for your help.
Mike, if you do decide to continue to grow, please let us know how cold she could handle. As for giving you the advice to let it continue is entirely up to you. I did not uproot my plants, I left some foliage because I wanted to see if it could rebound for next year... Either way, I will find out if they will survive or not. Since I have no seeds, I have to try and clone them for next year...


Active Member
Keep an eye on them every day.
If you can cover at night, great.
If not, wait till first frost. Check them for signs of damage.

Plan to take them up early if they look like dying. Dead Flowers are just like any dead fruit. It can be frost bitten, bruised etc.
You can in this instance, think of it as a tomato plant. Leave them out long as you can, take then in when they are in danger of going bad.

If the top ripens first, take the tops off or any other buds you think are ready. Then those are safe from the cold.

Hope the frost holds off till time of your choice.


LOL :blsmoke: I love it how your just growing at the side of the house..

Crazy lol

Hope the neighborhood kids don't get it before you harvest.

and Hope they get sick if they do. Stealing is bad Karma :peace:


Well-Known Member
OK--Thanks for the advice. I don't have any problem covering the plant. So far I have been wrapping a towel around her. This is a female that got polinated. That wasen't supposed to have happened. I know the buds loose some potency when they are polinated. Is the smoke still any good? I'll keep here going for the seeds but I'm wondering if she is worth saving for smoking purposes.
So far the temp has dropped to 26 degrees. The plant shows no signs of damage.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thajnks. O2


Well-Known Member
nice those are gona be good nugs when they are finished.... Don't pick early I did on one plant and I'm still regreting it


Active Member
O2, if your able to, you should tarp the babies at night so they dont get frost on them, and take the tarp off early so it can thaw out a fast as possible. i also heard you could water right before night time, its theoretically supposed to keep your roots from freezing, but that seems like it could just freeze your roots and kill your plants! good luck!