first indoor medical mj personal grow [pics]


I'm new to this but I have been doing a ton of reading.. and getting help from a fellow patient who grows for himself quite a bit :) Any input would be nice on anything i should change...

My setup is as follows :)

Light: 150w HPS (small i know... but good enough for my smoking needs)
Space: 4x2x5
Inlet: 6 inch fan pumps air into the tent I built... then vents to the attic.
Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Nutes: Fox farm trio(but the plants didn't like the nitrogen rich grow big so they were on big bloom for the most part only... now they are getting 1/3 doses of tigerbloom.

Today is officially the first day of the second week flowering :)



Oh yeah they look like hunchbacks because i'm LSTing them and they haven't been LST'd very long :P


My friend told me to get gravity/snowstorm/MOAB... which I have purchased but after reading a bunch i'm not really sure if that is a good idea... especially with soil.

Even if I use MOAB in smaller amounts am I still risking making the PH in the soil go haywire and get salts building up?