First indoor grow.. PM SOLVED(hopefully).. looking for people's experiences :)


So, I started my first grow with a 150 watt hps and just a fan blowing on them.. about 5 weeks in I got a minor case of powdery mildew. I noticed it really early(because i stare at my plants all the time and read plant about plant problems at work all day :P) so I went to the hydro store and asked what I should get

The guy at the store said he had issues with PM in the past and had decent success with Safer 3 in 1 spray... potassium salts and sulphur. I sprayed my plants down good and it kept coming back and the spray itself burned the shit out of the leaves!.. so I decided I was going to take out the big guns:-P

I know one of the main reasons PM can thrive is an environment with not much airflow.. so I got a vortex 250cfm inline and have it pumping to the attic now :) and also put in a 600 watt HPS since PM doesn't like too much light!

I purchased a bottle of serenade(a biofungicide) that has a strain of bacteria that consumes PM and apparently doesn't burn plants. I coated every square inch of my plants including under the leaves and the top layer of soil & used a bleach solution to sterilize my entire grow room... after hours of work I haven't seen a spot of PM in over 3 weeks now! The humidity is now very low in here too :weed:

After 3 weeks if I haven't seen a trace of it am I probably safe? I only have 3 weeks left in my current grow and they are PM free

Just curious what other people's experiences have been controlling PM in an indoor environment, and does it keep coming back even after it's been gone for weeks?


PS. Serenade spray turns your hairs orange! They go back to white after a week or so though, it seems gentle though :)