First grow with Blackdog LED Platinum XL-U


Hi community, new to the forum here and decided to post this journal because LEDs are getting a bad rap, even still. I feel that this light will perform to a level that will surprise many here and prove that the technology to grow successfully with LED is HERE, and will be getting better. I did not get a discount from the manufacturer for posting this journal, so I am not going to be biased and post only facts.

Now for a little history:

I have been predominately an outdoor grower for the last 10 years; however, approximately 3 years ago, I started 2 nurseries inside utilizing HPS and DIY aero units. Both were set up with 4 600w HPS for flowering a 4.5'x8'area . I am consistently able to achieve .6 gpw from these nurseries. This includes all power drawn to operate all equipment used in the operation and not just lights.

Now for what I will be doing for this grow:

I am currently building a sealed 6'x6' area where 4'x4' of that will be utilized for flowering in a DIY aero unit (still being constructed) under the BlackDog LED Platinum XL-U. I will be supplementing co2 to maintain 1700ppm. Although, I trust that I will achieve impressive results, being my first run with this light, I will be using a mixed variety of seeds from previous strains, of which, I have no idea exactly what they are now. I will also be utilizing the full line of xnutes for this grow. For this run only, I will be flowering from seed for 8-10 weeks.

Right now I am in the process of getting my unit built and my room sealed up nicely. Once my light gets here, and the room is set up as I will run it, I will post pictures, updates, and begin this grow op.

Hope you guys enjoy!


Hi fellow smokers. I figure I would update you guys. We just hung the sheetrock in the room and will be painting walls white and putting vinyl flooring down tomorrow and then fogging the hell out of the room (hate mites). It will not be long before my machine is up and running and pictures being posted. I really have high expectations for this set up.


Sorry guys, after many failed attempts to dial in my aero design, I have decided to scrap it. I am going DWC with 18g totes. Nine sites per tote, and will be using the SoG method. I will also be trying out the hempy bucket method with this to see what the hype is about. I will start a new journal once I am up and running. Room is done, system is done, just waiting on some good roots in my seedlings and I will begin. If this journal could be deleted, that would be great.