First grow, how much longer till harvest?

Well finally the 400wat HPS came in along with the 22x32x62 grow tent and its been growing under that. Some super thrive was given to it a few weeks ago along with some shole's cactus fertilizer (2-7-7) two waterings ago.

Can anyone say how much longer should be waited before it's harvested? if the plant looks unhealthy, and how much it will yield (dry)?



Well-Known Member
It looks like she has been in flower for 2-3 weeks maybe? Please tell us how long since you switched to 12/12...

Looks like you should be giving it nutrients, too...


Well-Known Member
I bet under.
how often and what do you feed?
you can get her fixed easily if you dial in the feeding better.
Its only been fed once with schultz cactus fertilizer (2-7-7) at regular dosage. The potting soil is miracle grow w/ time releases nutes.
No unfortunately, there are no hydro stores around. There is actually a local dealer of Jack's bloom fert around here so I'll check it out
Can anyone else confirm that this is a fert deficiency and not over-fertilized? Need to know before more is added today!
Its heavier than normal. One of those home depot PH, Moisture, and Light (all in one) readers is in it and it says the mositure level is "Wet." It goes from Dry to Moist to Wet.


Well-Known Member
how big is that container?
When you water, do you water so that a bunch of water drains out of the bottom of the container every time?


Active Member
It looks like underfed and under watered. IMO. Try watering it every 3 days or like dude said earlier after you water, pick up the pot and feel how heavy it is. Check it a few days later and if it feels light, add some water. You should be doing the nutes every other watering. Plants need food too. So get the nutes and get on a schedule. Should be fine then and end up with some smoke you can be proud of.:weed::weed::weed:
I think it's like 5 or 7 gallons, im not exactly sure. Its watered enough so there is some water that drains through the bottom. Its given about 1-2 gallons depending on how dry the soil is. Should the cactus fertilizer be added on the next watering or should I order Jack's classic blossom booster and wait for that?


Well-Known Member
I would lay off the cactus fertilizer and order up some nutes quickly..
if you order jacks, you might as well order the "dynamic duo" which is that bloom booster I showed you and an all purpose 20-20-20 that is great alongside the bloom..
You may not need so much of that this time, but you would use a little AND have it for next time when you can really use the two in combination with a more neutral soil.
Pics were taken yesterday and the cactus fertilizer was given at normal strength two days ago. Should more fert be added?? I can't tell if its overfertilized or under?

I'm not exactly sure, I called them and just asked for jack's. The main stores around here are Walmart and Home depot. I'm worried if I order any nutes, they wont get here in time.